
Digg Killer

In Uncategorized on July 6, 2006 at 4:29 am

This article has been merged with:

Unwisdom of Crowds

Trends, wisdom of crowds, tagging, Startup, mass psychology, Google, cult psychology, Web 2.0, Web 2.0, digg, censorship, democracy

  1. Would be good to get your thoughts on my post over at http://internet-biz.blogspot.com/2006/07/problem-with-crowds.html

    I’m not sure crowds are particularly reliable but they are the places to go when you’re looking for business…

  2. This adds to the complexity of the argument which is a good thing.

    The ‘Wisdom of Crowds’ book lacks the depth to match reality, and in many ways it has contributed heavily to distorting reality.

    I believe people interested in this debate should definitely read your comment as well.


  3. I stopped submitting my articles to digg, I found the comments distasteful. I just sub to nowpublic and reddit.

  4. On another note, I also get tired of all the Apple fanboys on digg.

  5. I’ll try nowpublic… I know someone had posted one of the articles here on nowpublic. I’ll check it out.


  6. BTW, that guy who posted a bit of my bio on digg coudln’t spell censor.

    I love those haters… hate, fear and idiocy are the lowest common denominator (pick one) they have in the digg crowd.


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